Crude oil assays

The materials provided below are courtesy of ExxonMobil and are based on a range of data and information. While care has been taken in preparing the materials, ExxonMobil makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to their accuracy, reliability, quality, correctness or completeness. Each user must make their own determination and judgment on applying any information in any assay. Any and all use of this information shall be the sole responsibility of the user, and the user releases ExxonMobil and its affiliates from any and all claims arising from its use and shall defend and hold ExxonMobil and its affiliates harmless from any third-party claims arising from the user's application or use of any part of the materials.
Assay Name API Crude type Sulfur Sulfur flavor Region Country Downloads
Alaskan North Slope (ANS) 32.1 Medium 0.96 Sour North America United States PDF | XLS
Azeri BTC 38.5 Light 0.16 Sweet Middle East/Central Asia Azerbaijan PDF | XLS
Azeri Light 35.6 Light 0.19 Sweet Middle East/Central Asia Azerbaijan PDF | XLS
Bakken 43.8 Light 0.09 Sweet North America United States PDF | XLS
Banyu Urip 32.6 Medium 0.33 Sweet Asia Pacific Indonesia PDF | XLS
Bonga 27.4 Medium 0.26 Sweet Africa Nigeria PDF | XLS
CLOV 32.0 Medium 0.26 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Cold Lake Blend 19.5 Heavy 3.87 Sour North America Canada PDF | XLS
Coral Condensate 52.7 Light 0.01 Sweet Africa Mozambique PDF | XLS
CPC Blend 46.1 Light 0.57 Sweet Middle East/Central Asia Kazakhstan PDF | XLS
Dalia 23.3 Heavy 0.52 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Domestic Sweet 42.9 Light 0.43 Sweet North America United States PDF | XLS
Ebok 17.9 Heavy 0.44 Sweet Africa Nigeria PDF | XLS
Erha 35.1 Light 0.18 Sweet Africa Nigeria PDF | XLS
Gindungo 32.7 Medium 0.52 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Gippsland Blend 63.6 Light 0.03 Sweet Asia Pacific Australia PDF | XLS
Girassol 29.9 Medium 0.33 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Gorgon 53.4 Light 0.02 Sweet Asia Pacific Australia PDF | XLS
Hebron 21.2 Heavy 0.79 Sour North America Canada PDF | XLS
Hibernia Blend 34.0 Medium 0.58 Sweet North America Canada PDF | XLS
HOOPS Blend 29.2 Medium 1.55 Sour North America United States PDF | XLS
Hungo Blend 29.2 Medium 0.59 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Kearl 19.8 Heavy 3.83 Sour North America Canada PDF | XLS
Kissanje Blend 29.4 Medium 0.35 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Kutubu 54.3 Light 0.02 Sweet Asia Pacific Papua New Guinea PDF | XLS
Liza 31.9 Medium 0.59 Sweet South America Guyana PDF | XLS
Mondo Blend 27.9 Medium 0.48 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Mostarda 28.6 Medium 1.03 Sour Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Payara Gold 29.0 Medium 0.60 Sweet South America Guyana PDF | XLS
Pazflor 24.6 Heavy 0.40 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Qua Iboe 37.3 Light 0.12 Sweet Africa Nigeria PDF | XLS
Saxi Batuque 35.3 Medium 0.23 Sweet Africa Angola PDF | XLS
Tapis 45.8 Light 0.03 Sweet Asia Pacific Malaysia PDF | XLS
Terengganu 73.1 Light 0.00 Sweet Asia Pacific Malaysia PDF | XLS
Thunder Horse 35.0 Medium 0.70 Sour North America United States PDF | XLS
Unity Gold 34.0 Medium 0.41 Sweet South America Guyana PDF | XLS
Upper Zakum 33.2 Medium 2.09 Sour Middle East/Central Asia United Arab Emirates PDF | XLS
Usan 29.1 Medium 0.27 Sweet Africa Nigeria PDF | XLS
WTI Light 47.5 Light 0.05 Sweet North America United States PDF | XLS
Yoho 41.0 Light 0.06 Sweet Africa Nigeria PDF | XLS
Zafiro Blend 30.2 Medium 0.26 Sweet Africa Equitorial Guinea PDF | XLS

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